Rooba. finance is an Institutional grade Crypto and Asset Management Platform. Globally, there is a huge surge of Financial Institutions allocating large pools of their funds towards Crypto assets due to their high yield potential. In India, more than 42% of Crypto investments are large institutional investors with a ticket size of $10M or more. With the regulation inclining towards declaring crypto as an asset, it becomes a very viable product of interest for Institutions to invest in. But, given the complexity of the platform, FI's need an all-encompassing solution that connects to various protocols, tokens, defi pools, exchanges, OTC's, etc with a relatively easier and shorter learning curve. Rooba Finance, incubated at IIT Indore, is dedicated to solving this exact issue. With the platform, Financial Institutions will be able to enter the crypto asset market with ease and a sense of security and be compliant with all regulations.

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